How to Get Involved?

General Memberss

General members have no requirements. They may come to general meetings and events as they please and may handle puppies in the presence of a raiser.


Puppy sitters can take puppies on adventures on and off campus including classes, stores, sporting events, etc. There is no requirement for how often you sit puppies, some sitters sit every week while others sit only once or twice a semester. Puppy sitting hours are sent out often and you can choose whichever hours fit in your schedule.

Sitters must:

- complete the sitter certification process at the beginning of each semester

- attend 50% of meetings

- attend events each semester

The sitter certification process includes:

- a lecture and a handling session where you learn how to handle our puppies and the rules that they have to follow

- Prospective sitters must also attend one general meeting

- After attending the lecture, handling session and general meeting

- there is a quiz that sitters must pass with a 90% or above before sitting puppies. 


Our new sitter process happens at the beginning of each semester! Information to sign up will be sent out in our email listserv.


Raisers take sole responsibility for a single puppy for the entire time that dog is in the puppy raising program (a little over a year).

To be eligible to become a raiser, applicants must:

- have been an active sitter for at least 1.5 consecutive semesters

- have attended 50% of events in the semester prior to applying

- have attended a raiser interest meeting

-have a gpa of 2.200 or higher

- puppy approved housing

- and more.

Raisers must

- attend 100% of club meetings

- attend 50% of events

- attend all raiser meetings 


Raisers are responsible for giving their dog the foundation needed to become a successful guide dog, including teaching all basic commands, house manners, and exposing them to as many different environments that they may work in during their career as possible.


Our raiser application is available on our GetInvolved page!