The Rutgers University Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Club (RUSEPRC) was founded in 2000 and is located on Cook Campus. Our club consists of puppy raisers, puppy sitters, and general members. Puppy raisers are responsible for training and caring for their puppy. Puppy sitters are members who watch our puppies when their raisers cannot be with them. Seeing Eye puppies raised through Rutgers are allowed in all Rutgers buildings, buses, and may attend classes with professor permission.
Wednesday's at 9 PM on Cook Campus
Our meetings consist of a lecture about our puppies’ training and The Seeing Eye followed by a handling circle where members practice commands & handling techniques.
Our club has around 20 events each semester. Events are a great opportunity for our puppies to practice working in a variety of environments and for members to practice handling dogs in a variety of different situations. Events range from local trips to the movies and fire stations, to an overnight stay in Baltimore or Cape May!